It's been a while since I've written anything on my blog. I'd like to keep things gaming related but nothing has crossed my mind as of late. When I'm not LPing, a lot of my thoughts tend to be focused on my project. I have been thinking of making this blog about my general thoughts about various subjects but I don't think I'm ready to share THAT much. While I do believe that my thoughts are worth noting, showcasing them is another matter.
Over the week, I have been putting a lot of thought into formulating an answer to a question someone brought up. It's gaming related so why not post it here? Before I delve into it, though, (yeah I'm splitting the blog in two because it's taking me way too long to write this in one sitting) here's some random gaming related rambling (you know, besides The Elder Scrolls):
- Diablo 3 beta is SO GOOD, I managed to get in the beta by meeting a Blizzard rep <3. The problem is that you can only defeat the Skeleton King so many times… something I've done countless times already in the original Diablo game. New beta patches keeps me coming back for a few tries but, at this moment, I'm pretty much done with it. I'm waiting for the real thing now.
- I'm still waiting impatiently for Episode 2 of Sonic: the hedgehog 4. Unless you dust off your Sega Genesis, Episode 1 is the only Sonic game worth playing in my book.
- Why am I still waiting for GuildWars 2? GIMMY!
- I've played a little bit of Zelda Skyward Sword on the WII. Zelda is one of those series I'd love to play but can't because, once upon a time, some jerk designer decided to put a 3D camera. I played all the way to the boss fight in the first dungeon before I lost my patience. More entertaining to watch someone play it although lifting off the sword for the first time, THAT is epic enough for you to do it yourself.
- There's this Zelda-inspired game coming out "soon" on the iOS platform called "Oceanhorn". I'm really interested in that.
- Dark Souls. Alluring concept but definitely not for me. The game encourages me to stay in a single zone and grind out souls to level up. Couldn't improve my campfire because I was missing a humanity that wouldn't drop. I find the "white doorways" to be really cheap too and the goggles… THEY DO NOTHING!
- Still haven't finished Dragon Age: Origins. I promised myself I'd finish it. IT IS good but it's nowhere near Elder Scrolls good.
- Okay, this last one is Elder Scrolls related. I managed to get Skyrim running "natively" on my Mac via CrossOver Games. I couldn't be happier! Before you panic about performance, it runs really well considering. Playable, yes, but I won't record off it (won't even try it until I get my new computer and even then I'll most likely leave the LP in Bootcamp). So, while it CAN run, I won't play on it until I finish my LP...
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