Monday, 16 September 2013

SNEEZE! Voila! Post done!

It's been a while since I've written anything here.  There's just so much going on right now that I really haven't had the time to sort my thoughts.  It's still a mess "up here" but I figured I'd start typing regardless.

I've been trying to upload more content recently but it's hardly a fraction of what I used to way back.  With that said, 4-5 years ago (when I started the Morrowind LP series), I had just finished a BIG contract (I've mentioned this once or twice, maybe, but I worked on the movie G.I.-Joe: Rise of the Cobra.  Not the greatest movie, but probably one of the best projects I had the pleasure of working on). After that, I had all the time in the world to just sit back, play and upload.  The word "contract" feels so odd to say now since I've had a regular employment for roughly two-three years now.

Nothing crazy, you know; a modest and comfortable job.

A couple of months ago (actually, probably something like fours months), I was in contact with someone who could potentially work on a project with me.  It turns out he couldn't/didn't but that still ignited something inside me.  That project was something I've been meaning to start for a long, long time; probably way back from early high-school if not since before that.  Thanks to him (even though it didn't work out), I've been working on the project practically every evenings/nights after work since.  This, unlike every other project I've ever worked on, is something I'd be willing to share with the world and if I'm being very vague /cryptic it's because I don't want to reveal anything yet, not until it's ready.  Not until I can prove to myself (and my peers) that what I'm working on is within the realm of possibility.

I say this because, well, it's pretty ambitious....  pretty fucking crazy when you think about it, actually.  Yet, it seems so simple I'm surprised no one attempted this before... maybe that's why I have doubts.  It's got me very excited, though... so excited, in fact, that I can work during the day, come back home, work on my project and feel refreshed the next morning.  I consider myself pretty lucky; not many people have the energy or willpower to do this... and as far as willpower goes, I don't even need to push myself.  It just happens.

So, long story short, I'm working on something big.  It's game related, though, so you guys will probably like it.

Speaking of games, there's a lot on my mind:

  • If you're missing the Morrowind LP, no it's not canceled.  I've been struggling with it.  I've caught myself deleting entire recorded sessions because I realized that I was making no progress what-so-ever and I was just getting frustrated.  3-4 sessions in a row.  So, yeah, I'm stuck.  I'll figure it out eventually, though, hopefully sooner than later.
  • The Diablo 3 LP series will continue (whenever you guys enjoy it or not).  This LP is taking the sidelines due to my big project and whenever I take the time to play Diablo 3, I tend to just play on another character with friends.  I'll most likely record a session within the following weeks, I've been itching to play Hardcore mode some more.
  • Speaking of Diablo 3, the upcoming expansion's got me REALLY excited.
  • I love Skyrim!  Haters beware!
  • Nintendo announced a 2DS...  /facepalm.
  • Nobody seems to be playing Guildwars 2 these days.  Oh well.  I'm still enjoying it.  I'm just not playing it as much.
  • One of my college at Ubisoft is all like "you should totally play Assassin's Creed - we got boats now Edition- you like pirates!" and I'm like "not until you give me a decent PC port" asshole.
  • I think I'm going to start ignoring every video game (or any media for that matter) which features a well-endowed woman on a cover or as a playable character.  I'm so sick of seeing that sorceress character from Dragon's Crown in ads wherever I surf the net.
  • Grand Theft Auto 5 is out now, there goes 3-4 of my buddies...
  • I've never been so uninterested in the "next-gen" gaming in my life.  All the good upcoming  stuff are from indie developers...  oh god!  I'm a hipster now!  Noooooooo!
  • Final Fantasy 14 is enjoyable.  Twinnings' dragged me into it but, so far, I'm not regretting it.
  • Chivalry: Medieval Warfare was gifted to me and is crazy fun.  I like bows.
  • I haven't played any good iOS games in a long time, I'm still waiting for OceanHorn.
That's a good amount out of my system...  until next time.


  1. Wow. :-) You updated your Blog! This is amazing, sir Gix!

    I won't be playing GTA V until it's released on PC.

  2. I'm curious what you're working on, Gixie, and I can't wait to see it when it's finished :-)

  3. You really got me curious. Will stay around and wait for more input.

  4. A modest and comfortable job? Yeah that's why you fucking move house every week. Seriously dude seek help.

  5. Great post Gix. I want to know what you are working on. Something makes me think it has to do with a way to input to the computer.
