Monday, 8 August 2011

See yah starside!

I realize that a lot of people come to me to hear my thoughts about gaming in general.  How do I play games?  What makes a particular game better than another?  What do I do when I'm not playing games?  How much time do I spend on a particular game?  What do I do for a living?  Does gaming affect my social and/or romantic life?  etc.

I have my doubts that an average joe would give a crap about what I do or think, but a lot of people have shown genuine interest in my past time.  WHY?  I not really sure.  Perhaps they can associate with me.  I like to think it's because I know and truly understand the reasoning behind my opinions... or better yet, I know how to express them.  Theoretically speaking, of course.  And they, in turn, understand that.  Maybe it's a perspective they haven't seen yet or maybe they finally found a like-minded soul and are curious to see how much further that connection goes.

The longer I observe society, the fewer people seem to be capable of sharing opinions and/or ideas.  It's not necessarily a bad thing.  You're not a bad person for not knowing why you like something.  Indecisiveness is a pet-peve of mine, however.  It's a double-edged sword really because those that do share their opinions turn out to be tools that really don't have an opinion for themselves or they're merely full of themselves.  A least a lot of folks seem that way.  I hate those kind of people but who said I wasn't one of them?  How do I justify my self-claimed seclusion from that kind of people?  I like to believe that I'm not a hypocrite; oblivious to my potential flaw.

Some say I'm cocky.  To them, I say: "I'm just confident in what I do.  Be ready to put your beliefs in the line or get out of my way."  If you can't handle an argument, don't start one.  "Prove me wrong and you'll see how humble I am."

I got my hands full making videos already but there's a lot of potential downtime that can be utilized productively (mainly while I'm in the commute).  It seems there's so much more than I can share I could almost picture my mind exploding and broadcast my thoughts to everyone as each pieces of my brain reaches them.

I'm not alone, I'm sure.  The trick is to reach people individually and not as a group.  You know what they say: "A person is smart, but people are stupid."

Is this the next step?  A blog?  I'm honestly not sure yet.  It seems very wishy-washy "hello journal" type of thing to do which is typically not something I do.  However, like my Lets Play of Morrowind, it might turn out being something far greater than I imagined.  The biggest difference being one medium has a potential audience other than myself.  Maybe then I'll be able to answer my question in the 2nd paragraph.

I'll just write and see if I really am an asshole or not.


  1. Certainly not an asshole, Gix.

    You're second paragraph sums up how I feel exactly about watching you play, as I am sure it is how many other users feel too.

    There's just... some strange connection, between watching another gamer play a game that you've played yourself. Using a webcam with excellent commentary just adds to this.

    Let me put it to you like this. This is the only Blog that I've actually been enticed to read in a long, long time.

    Keep up the great work on Youtube, Gix!

    Take your time also. Some users expect a new video every week at the very least - your not forced, neither paid to dedicated YOUR time, solely for us. Let alone the bandwidth.


  2. Aah.. a blog. I think it's a great idea! It encourages more well thought out replies than a youtube channel, IMO.

    What is it about Let's Plays? For me, it's about experiencing the game as though I started a new character and I get to figure out who they are without having to think about it. As for why I'm drawn to your videos, there are several reasons.
    You have a pleasant commentary, not rushed or immature like so many others. You use swearing minimally and not as a series of conjunctions. You stay in character. I appreciate these things. I don't have any issues with swearing, rushing, or behaving badly per se, I just don't really enjoy watching or listening to it along with something I take a bit seriously, i.e. TES. And it's kinda hard to enjoy the "your face here" style you've popularized with other commentators, because you were the first one I saw doing it that way. I guess when it comes down to it, a lot of other commentators I've seen have ended up disappointing me, and you haven't.

    As an aside, I also think it's important to speak your mind when possible, although I gave up on the idea of right vs. wrong a long time ago. After all, there is no such thing. We each perceive reality based on a great many factors including our culture, experiences, personalities, hopes and fears; and when all of these realities are different from one another, how can any of us be right or wrong? Of course I have my own moral compass which dictates what I believe, but I do my best to try to remember that I am only one individual. However I'm not perfect. There are some things I'm very opinionated about, and when the urge to argue presents itself, I must admit my tongue gets rather forked. :P My hubby has learned to accept these times as a series of the facts of life, lol.

    Take your time with uploading, as Rianoris said. Your videos are great, but we don't expect them to be a pain in your ass. Have fun!

  3. Hello Gix,

    I'm also a fan of your Morrowind- and Oblivion-LP's. I appreciate your well thought out commentaries. Your seriousness. Your detailed explanations.

    As for the asshole thing: I really don't understand, what you mean by that. Probably you think of reactions of your viewers. I'd say: why listen to people who would rather disrespect you, than going with you through a possible change in the way how you express yourself on the internet?

    A blog-system like this might bring some Gix-fans together and closer to you, Gix. There could be an actual exchange of thoughts like in a forum.

    I want to end this post with an appeal: please go on with your internet activity, but only do it, when it's really okay with you. There is no need to rush anything, as far as I'm concerned. Rushing things is is a bad habit of our time ..


  4. Artists and entertainers tend to be very charming. Charm comes from the things you described: confidence, genuineness, relatability. (Relatability to your viewers. People tend to look for what they see in their own personality.) These things come across more easily through body language (webcam).
    You're also witty and approachable. You're rather forthcoming and welcome questions, so we're not reluctant to say things to you. Why you would think you might be an asshole, I can't imagine.
    Apart from having charm, you have knowledge and experience with games, and you share. We're learning from you. When I come up with a question while I'm watching, you often ask it of yourself and answer it before the end.
    I'm glad you have a blog. You get to ask bigger questions and get bigger answers.
